Stewardship/Donations Online
Dear fellow Annunciation Cathedral parishioners,
We are grateful and challenged to be your new stewardship chairs for this year; Grateful, as we willingly serve Christ and His Church in efforts to increase our giving to new levels. Challenged, as it is a daunting task to successfully serve our Cathedral in its ever present and plentiful needs.
Did you know that it takes over $7,000 a day to keep our facilities going? Our world class ministries need resources to thrive. These needs are in addition to keeping the lights on, the water and air-conditioning running, and to make sure our complex is clean and livable.
The Church is our refuge. We are baptized and chrismated here, we go to confession to our priests here, we get married here, we celebrate festivities such as the Greek Festival and other glendis here, and we also grieve together here at funerals for our loved ones. This beautiful Church is the centerpiece, the focal point of our family’s existence, literally from birth to death. It is the Ark of our Salvation, and we are all riding in this Ark.
This is why we boldly ask each of you to consider being at least a one-day sponsor at $7,000 per year (about $580 per month) to help our families, priests, deacons, staff, and ministries continue to thrive. Whatever your giving, we kindly encourage you to place your stewardship payment on your credit card as a monthly charge. All one-day sponsors and above will be invited to some special gatherings throughout the year in appreciation of your generous support of our Cathedral.
There is a reason we are known as one of the premier Cathedrals in the United States. We give generously. And because we give, we prosper greatly as one family in Christ together. Here is what the early Church looked like in the book of Acts 2:43-47:
“All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Please fill out your pledge card today and give generously as the early Church did. Be a part of something genuinely life changing and fulfilling for your family and our Orthodox community. We are all in this together, and we need everyone’s help in this bold endeavor.
Thank you in advance, and God be with you all,
Joni & John Zavitsanos
Stewardship Chairs
How do I make my 2024 or 2025 stewardship pledge?
- Online: pledge or pay online at here.
- By mail: mail your pledge card and payment to the Cathedral office.
- By phone: call AGOC Administrator, Myka Evans, at 832-242-9256.
Thank you to all who have made their 2024 pledge!
Stewardship/Donations Online
For questions or to make a pledge or donation please contact or call 832-242-9256