The Cathedral includes three levels of musicians who assist in the sacred services of the Church throughout the year. These include:
Adult Choir which meets for practice on Thursday evenings at 7:00. The choir leads the worship in the 10:30 am Divine Liturgy each Sunday. The choir is professionally directed and masters various settings of the Orthodox Liturgy, rotating settings throughout the year.
Children’s choir sings during the 9:00 am Divine Liturgy and learns the traditional music of the Church.
Byzantine Choir: Traditional Byzantine chant accompanies Orthros and Vespers services, as well as Divine Liturgies, and is open to both men and women who wish to learn the traditional chant of the Greek Orthodox Church.
Chanters are always in demand, and include those who are well trained in traditional Byzantine chant, and men and women who simply wish to serve by volunteering their time and talent, assisting with the reading of Psalms, chanting the hymns, or reading from the Epistles (in Greek or English) at the sacred services of the Cathedral. For information about how to become a chanter or Reader of the Church, contact the Cathedral Office.
For more information contact:
Annunciation Cathedral Office at 713-526-5377 or e-mail:
3511 Yoakum Boulevard
Houston, TX 77006
Office: (713) 526-5377
Fax: (713) 526-1048
Office Hours: Weekdays 8am-4:30pm